The National Department of Health has recommended that South Africans should wear CLOTH face masks when in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The main benefit of everyone wearing a face mask is to reduce the amount of Coronavirus or Influenza virus droplets being coughed up by those with the infection. Since some people with the coronavirus may not have symptoms or may not know they have it, everyone should wear a face mask.

How To Use a Cloth Face Mask?

  • Wash cloth face masks with warm soapy water and iron when dry.
  • Face masks should not be lowered when speaking, coughing and sneezing.
  • The face mask must cover the nose and mouth completely.
  • Face masks should not be repeatedly touched-fidgeting with the mask repeatedly is discouraged.
  • The inner side of the mask must not be touched by hands.
  • Wash hands after removing the mask.
  • Each person will need to have at least 2 face masks so that one face mask is available when the other is being washed.

The National Department of Health recommends that:
-Everyone should wear CLOTH face mask when in public.
-Handwashing and social distancing still remain the most important prevention strategies for COVID-19
-Members of the public should not wear N-95 and surgical masks, medical masks remain reserved only for health workers.

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