Ebony Park- Police are looking for a man who allegedly swindled an Ebony Park man of R500 000.00 of his pension payout.

The 56-year-old man, who has not been identified by the police, was allegedly duped in June by the fake healer who asked him to cash in his entire pension after he took early retirement.

The fake healer told the victim that all he had to do was perform certain rituals and his money would multiply. The former municipal employee bought the story and took early retirement.

The half a million pension payout was withdrawn in tranches and placed in the victims house in Ebony Park inside a steel box bought by the traditional healer. The healer then instructed the victim and his wife to go outside and perform certain rituals.

It is suspected that the money was taken by the healer when they were performing rituals outside. The victim realized he had been scammed after a month. Instead of money inside of the steel box they found papers.

The police are investigating a case of fraud against the suspect. Victims of the fake traditional healer have been called to come forward and assist investigators to arrest him.

If you have any information please contact the Ivory Park Police Station on (011) 990-9600

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