The Department (GDE) has revised the date to commence with #GDE2020Placement of Grade 1 & 8 learners to 18 September 2019. The Placement Period for 2020 admissions was initially scheduled to commence today, 30 August 2019.

However, parents of learners who have submitted required documents should therefore expect to receive offers of placement via SMS from 18 September 2019 to 31 October 2019.

The purpose to revise the date of offers of placement is to allow the Department and Schools sufficient time to scrutinize and verify all schools’ Waiting Lists to ensure that no learner will be unfairly disadvantaged.

The purpose to revise the date of offers of placement is to allow the Department and Schools sufficient time to scrutinize and verify all schools’ Waiting Lists to ensure that no learner will be unfairly disadvantaged. The Department wishes to reiterate that the WA1 – WA4 numbers issued during the application period will NOT be used as the basis to determine placement.

Offers of placement will NOT be sent to ALL parents on the same day, as the Department will be processing offers systematically in line with the order of application options outlined in the Admissions Regulations.

Placement offers must be accepted within Seven School Days, therefore, the first offers received must be accepted by 8 October 2019. School holidays are NOT counted as part of the Seven School Days.

However, parents are welcome to visit Districts or Head Office to accept offers during the September 2019 School Holidays. Parents may also accept offers Online by logging on to gdeadmissions.gov.za, or by visiting the nearest School on School Days.

We would like to appeal to parents to remain calm as it will be impossible for all parents to receive an SMS on the same day. Parents must also remember that the capacity of each school Will determine a final number of learners to be admitted at a school.

Isseued by Department of Education

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