The complainant, Pollent Mhlanga (30) of Mqantsa Section in Tembisa alleged that on Monday, 11 April 2022, at about 09:38 she was at her residence together with a lady only known as Bongi busy preparing herself to go to Ebony Park for training, before she can go to drop off her 10 month old baby girl at day care.

Bongi offered to look after the baby, and promised to drop her off at the day care later when she goes to Madelakufa.

“The complainant left Bongi and the baby just outside her shack and went to Ebony Park.” said Captain Neldah Sekgobela, the spokesperson of SAPS Ekurhuleni District.

“On the same day at about 17:42, she came back went to check for Bongi and she was nowhere to be found, she asked Bongi’s boyfriend uncle who told her that Bongi left with the baby just minutes after the complainant left.” said Sekgobela.

Bongi’s personal details are unknown to the complainant. A case of Child Stealing has been opened .The 10 month old baby girl’s name is Mkhenso Mhlanga. Bongi was last seen wearing black jean, purple track top and grey jacket.

The community is requested to assist with finding baby Mkhenso. If anyone has information please contact the Tembisa Police Station on (011) 920 8000 or Mkhenso’s mother on 063 601 0252.

Picture supplied.
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