When you speak of a United Community or Umphakathi ubambene, you are speaking about the community of Kaalfontein, Ext 1.
What’s a community? A community is a group of people living in the same place and having a particular characteristic.
The community of Kaalfontein Extension 1 is a close knit community and everybody knows each other. This is unlike some communities in KAE where residents don’t know their neighbour on a first name basis and where there’s a high turnover of tenants.
Abo Mama base Ext 1 have took it upon themselves to hire a personal trainer. They get up in the morning and exercise on weekends thereby promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The youth patrol the area late at night. The area used to be crime infested but ever since the community came together the youth volunteered to patrol the streets at night. Crime has drastically decreased. A suspect was apprehended just the other month and properly dealt with. The youth patrollers don’t expect compensation but the community has come together and donates money to the youth on a monthly basis.

The matriarch of the community is Mme Mapule Botha. She is given credit of pulling the community together. Mrs Botha is responsible for organising a feeding scheme for the less fortunate in Kaalfontein. Through the community’s donations less privileged individuals are occasionally given a meal.

Lastly, if it wasn’t for the togetherness of the Ext 1 community. The same as many other communities in KAE, they would currently not have electricity due to overloading. The community disconnected illegal connections connected to the transformer and when the transformer failed. They hired a technician to fix the problem.
Let’s emulate the community of Kaalfontein Ext 1 and make KAE great!