Gauteng‘s Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi, is shocked to learn about two tragic deaths of a Grade 1 boy and Grade 2 girl from Kaalfontein Primary School and a one year old non-schooling girl child that were all siblings.

The siblings unfortunately passed away on Tuesday, 31 May 2022.

“According to Information at our disposal, while children were at school, the grandparent of the three (3) deceased children sprinkled meat with rat poison and placed the container on top of the refrigerator with an intention, to later at night, entrap rats in the house and left for church”, said GDE Spokesperson, Steve Mabona.

It is understood that when the children came back from school they gained access to the rat bait and consumed the meat.

Upon arrival from church, the grandparent found the children watching TV, until she realised that the container was now in the sink.

When probing the situation, they confirmed that they ate the poisoned meat. She immediately gave them milk, and they started complaining about stomach cramps, they were rushed to a medical facility and confirmed dead on arrival.

“We wish to convey our sincerest condolences to the family, and the school community “, Lesufi said.

The deceased children are from Ivory Park Ext 2. Ivory Park SAPS have opened an inquest which is currently being investigated.

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