At KAE News one of our missions is to ensure that we keep the areas of Kaalfontein, Allandale and Ebony Park pollution free and that we curb illegal dumping.

We were distraught when we got information of a house in Kaalfontein Extension 4 (next to Msimango Tavern being used as a dumping side). What’s even more heartbreaking is that the property is owned by a Gogo who is helpless when people just dump rubbish in her yard.

Pikitup was called to remove the rubbish and a No Dumping sign was painted on the wall. Since that has happened the dumping has decreased. Disappointingly, some people are now throwing rubbish in the middle of the street.

The information was received from one of our readers Trevor and together with other members of the community are assisting in ensuring no one litters in Gogo’s yard.

We applaud the members of the community for saying enough is enough. Imagine if that was your own house or where you stay that people would just use as a dustbin.

We plead with all KAE residents to keep our community pollution free and free from rodents and other health hazards.

Please note dumping is a criminal offense and perpetrators may be liable to pay a fine. To report illegal dumping to Pikitup call 011 688 1500.


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