The Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) held an operation on the weekend of the 22nd of December 2019 in Johannesburg.

188 people were arrested in total for drunk driving in Johannesburg and 1397 in the rest of the country. Passengers were also arrested. The police would like to remind civilians that you don’t have to be on the driver’s seat to be arrested for drunk driving. It is against the law to consume alcohol in a motor vehicle.

Drunk driving remains the highest contributing factor in road fatalities. 589 people have died on our roads since the beginning of the festive season. The majority of fatal crashes happened on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays and were a result of drinking and driving. The highest alcohol reading was 1.83 mg/1000ml In Limpopo. This is equivalent to 23 dumpies. The legal limit is a breath-alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1 000ml‚ or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100ml.

The South African government defines moderate alcohol consumption as no more than two standard drinks‚ 340ml or a half quart of beer per day for women and no more than three standard drinks per day for men.

Law enforcement interventions of road blocks have had a desired impact and show a reduction in fatal crashes compared to last year. Since the beginning of the festive season campaign a total of 629 661 vehicles were stopped in 539 roadblocks staged nationwide.

Arrive Alive, Don’t Drink and Drive!

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