The Station Commander of the Ivory Park SAPS, Brigadier David Mbongeni Ngcobo, has welcomed the arrest of a local drug dealer this morning, 21 July 2022.

“The suspect was traced to his place in Extension Nine Ivory Park and was found busy plying his trade, selling Nyaope, Rock and dagga. He was found with a stock valued at more than five thousand rand, inclusive of the money believed to have been derived from his illicit business. He was found in possession of 99 packets of nyaope and 40 Rock drug packets,” said Ben Matimulane, the spokesperson of Ivory Park SAPS.

“He may not be looking like a big time dealer but Ivory Park is crawling with a cohort of small dealers. This arrest wil surely send a strong message to his fellow dealers that we mean business” said Ngcobo.

Brigadier Ngcobo further appealed to the community of Ivory Park to assist the police in the fight against crime and to bring the dealers to account.

The 26 year old man is expected to face a charge of dealing in drugs and will appear in the Tembisa Magistrate’s Court soon to answer to this.

Anyone with crime related information is welcome to contact SAPS on 08600 10111, contact the nearest police station and, most importantly, to work with the police through structures such as the Community Policing Forum, Street Committees and the Youth Crime Prevention Desk.

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