Employees of Pick n Pay at Busy Corner Mall spent International Nelson Mandela Day, 18 July 2022, at The Love of God Disability Foundation based in Lusaka Business Park, Ivory Park.

Nelson Mandela Day is about inculcating a culture of service – that lasts beyond the 67 minutes set aside on 18 July every year.

Pick n Pay, Busy Corner set up an irrigation system for the home on Wednesday, the 13th of July 2022.

The work of giving back continued on Mandela Day. The local store further donated 12 bags of compost, 2 bags of bone meal, 20 trays of various seedlings (6 in a tray) and numerous seeds.

Planting of Vegetables seeds was done on Monday morning. Some of the vegetables that will harvest will include Cabbages, spinach, spring onion, red onion, beetroot, kale and lettuce.

The Pick n Pay, Busy Corner Mall management hopes the home will also supply the store when the vegetables are ready for harvest. That will contribute to income for the home.

“The Love of God Disability foundation is a fantastic organization doing amazing work amongst the community. I hope Pick n Pay Busy Corner can offer them some much deserved support and I hope the surrounding community can do the same. My long term hope is that the foundation will be able to grow vegetables for Pick n Pay Busy Corner and become one of many local, sustainable suppliers.” said Alexander Georghiades, the Pick n Pay Assistant store manager.

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