Pro-Zuma protests have spread to Enhlazeni and Vusimuzi townships in Tembisa and surrounding areas.

Tembisa Plaza has been closed because of the volatile situation in the area. Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police Department (EMPD) are monitoring the situation.

Pro-Zuma protests and unrest started in Kwa-Zulu Natal and have spread to different parts of South Africa.

Former President Jacob Zuma is in jail as part of his 15-month sentence handed down by the Constitutional Court for contempt of court. Protesters are demanding his release.

62 Suspects have been arrested so far as police continue to respond to opportunistic criminality emanating from the protests. The protests have turned into looting sprees in most of the affected areas as business have been ransacked.

Andrew Maphethi Drive is currently closed due to the protests. KAE residents are advised to avoid the area and exercise caution.

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