The Gauteng Department of Health, Ekurhuleni Health District Services will be conducting mass screening and testing at the following areas tomorrow, 29 April 2020 from 09:00:
?Phomolong, Sophia Town Informal Settlement (Ward 12)
? Vusumuzi Informal Settlement (Ward 12)
? Ramaphosa Extensions (Ward 33)
? Hospital View (Erin Clinic) (Ward 7)
? Zonke Taxi rank – (Ward61/62)
?Sunrise Taxi rank (Ward 61)
?Etwatwa Ext 34, 35, 26
? Marikana Ext 10 (Ward 111)
?Bluegum View
?ST Michel Home – (Ward 82)
?Kwa-Thema Hostel
?San Michelle – (Ward 97)
This is part of government’s efforts to mass screen and test vulnerable communities.