IVORY PARK police officers arrested a 36 year old man for allegedly dealing in dagga on Wednesday night.

“His arrest follows a tip off by an anonymous member of the public, who furnished the police with the man’s illicit dealings.”

“Acting on the information, and under the direction of the Ivory Park station commander, Brigadier David Mbongeni Ngcobo, the officers followed the information to the letter and managed to find the suspect and all the dagga the suspect was dealing in.” said Captain Ben Matimulane, the Spokesperson of Ivory Park SAPS.

The suspect spent the night in Ivory Park Police Station cells. He will face a charge of dealing in dagga and is expected to appear in the Tembisa Magistrate’s Court soon.

Brigadier Ngcobo has thanked the community members responsible for the tip off, and has called this a responsible civic duty that should be emulated by all law abiding members of the community.

“On behalf of all of us at the police station we are thankful for the information and our speedy arrests is our way of saying we are always ready to act,” said Brigadier Ngcobo

All members of the public wishing to report any crime or criminal activity anywhere in the precinct are assured that they will remain anonymous if they so wish. The crime stop number to which crime can be reported is 08600 10111

Brigadier Ngcobo said he belived that most, if not all of the crimes, in Ivory Park can be drastically reduced if the community can adopt this habit of being the eyes and ears of the police.

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