President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation today, 11 January 2021, on developments in South Africa’s national response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The country will remain on adjusted Level 3 until mid February. Most of the measures that were announced on the 28th of December 2020 will remain in place. The President announced the following restrictions:

⛩ Land borders will close including Beitbridge, Lebombo, Maseru. Only in limited circumstances such as transporting fuel cargo, goods, cargo; emergency medical attention; return of South Africans will be allowed to enter the country.
? Alcohol sales from retail outlets and on-site consumption of alcohol is still banned.
⚰️ Funerals may not be attended by more than 50 people, and there needs to be social distancing, hand sanitising and mask-wearing
? Most indoor and outdoor gatherings are prohibited including social gatherings, religious gatherings, political events and gatherings at sports grounds.
?️‍♀️ Gyms, museums and restaurants may not have more than 50 people indoors and 100 people outdoors -may not exceed 50% of a venue’s capacity.
? Restaurants must close at 20:00
? The hours of curfew will now start at 21:00 and end earlier, at 05:00.
? Wearing of a mask is mandatory

Stay Safe.

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