On 29 November 2024, Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber (DA) intervened at the last minute to extend the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit’s (ZEP) validity.
Schreiber said he had prolonged the contentious ZEP until November 28, 2025, in the government gazette on Friday. Applications for a new one-year permit were previously due on Friday for Zimbabwean nationals.
Schreiber stated in the gazette that: “[I have done this] in order for me to fulfil the duty placed on me by the Gauteng High Court to consult the affected ZEP holders and all other stakeholders on the future of the current dispensation.
The holder of an exemption certificate may be allowed to enter into or depart from the Republic of South Africa in terms of Section 9 of the Immigration Act, read together with Immigration Regulations, 2014, provided that he or she complies with all other requirements for entry into and departure from the republic, save for the reason of not having a valid visa endorsed in his or her passport.
“No ZEP holder should be required to produce a valid exemption certificate, visa or an authorisation letter to remain in the republic as contemplated in Section 32(1) of the Immigration Act when making an application for any category of the visa for temporary sojourn in the republic as contemplated in Section 10 (2) of the Immigration Act.”