Ivory Park Station Commander, Brigadier David Mbongeni Ngcobo, has welcomed the swift arrest of a man for dealing in dagga following a tip off from the local community. Brigadier Ngcobo is again encouraging the local community to emulate these community members by being the eyes and ears of the police during the festive season and beyond.
Acting on a tip off, members of the Ivory Park SAPS crime prevention team, together with some community patrollers, descended on a house in Ebony Park near Midrand on Wednesday afternoon after they were alerted of someone doing a roaring business of selling dagga. Upon their arrival they didn’t have to look far for the dagga as they were greeted by a long queue of buyers.
The 18-year-old suspect (although the police believe that he is older than the given age) was arrested on the spot, and all of his dagga, estimated at two kilograms, and the money accrued from sales were confiscated. He is expected to appear in the Tembisa Magistrate’s Court soon to face a charge of dealing in dagga.
“The festive season demands all of the law abiding citizens to be alert and be aware of their surroundings all the times, as criminal activities, including scams and robberies, tend to spike,” said Brigadier Ngcobo.
Brigadier Ngcobo again assured any informant to a criminal activity that their tip offs will be treated confidentially, and that they can remain anonymous should they so wish.