Ivory Park SAPS’S outreach projects, aimed at creating awareness on a variety of societal ills, today, 08 June 2022, took to the Ebony Park-Kaalfontein Community Clinic.

The Social Crime Prevention Desk took advantage of the number of people visiting the clinic on a daily basis to talk about the ever present gender based violence within our community and households.

Pamphlets to that effect were distributed and members of the public were spoken to on a one on one basis.

As part of the outreach the community was educated about survival techniques when one finds themselves in a domestic violent situation, the services offered by the SAPS through its Social Crime Prevention Desk and specifically through the Victims Friendly Rooms, for which there’s one at the Ivory Park SAPS.

The services offered by the police, often a source of dissatisfaction by the community, was also addressed by way of pamphlets and questions and answers session between the police and the community.

They were told to lodge a complaint with the police if and when they felt they were not properly treated at the police station, or by the police during a complaint attendance.

The management of the Ivory Park SAPS, they were assured, are always eager and ready to listen to their complaints and to address them.

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