Unemployed Graduates picketed in Kaalfontein on Wednesday, 24 June 2020. The Unemployed Graduates are members of YURSE (Young Urban/Self Empowermen).
“YURSE is a Community driven non – profit organization that is governed by its main principle, which is people centred, it promotes people centred type of approach or leadership in community, everything we do we put people first, the sole mandate is Upgrading lives and Building the Nation. Yurse SA is a non profit organization and was registered on the 23 June 2016, to deal with Human Developmental issues that affect majority of the previously disadvantaged Communities”. According to a statement.
The NPO is based in Kaalfontein. YURSE supports the Assembly of the Unemployed demands of dignified Basic Income Grant (BIG)
YURSE says Government can sustain the lockdown and protect the livelihoods of mass people, 11 million people are unemployed and never have income even without a lockdown.
YURSE rejects the R350 Social Relied of Distress temporary Grant. The Assembly of the Unemployed demands a dignified Basic Income Grant to be permanently
implemented in the amount of R12,500.00.
YURSE says this amount can be paid for by the Rich, putting an end to profit shifting, wage evasion as well as using the South African Reserve Bank to print money.
South Africa’s unemployment rate for the 1st Quarter of 2020 rose to 30,1%. The number of employed person decreased by 38,000 to 16,4 million between January and March while unemployed persons increased by 344,000 to 7,1million compared to the 4th Quarter of 2020. These numbers exclude the effect of the National Lockdown were a lot of companies have retrenched staff.